Crazy Cajun Enterprises, Inc.
Phone 530-559-9920
Fax 916-409-9005

Charley Addison
Friends: Thank you for perusing our web site, welcome!
Charley will be on Food Network's Unwrapped a couple more times. So check your TV guide for the Food Network's program Unwrapped: BBQing and Grilling. You will see an interview with "Crazy Charley" Addison and our Cajun Sauce being made. Stills of the video shoot can be seen on this web site, just click on "How we make Our Sauces" at the top of our home page.We want to thank ya'll who watched the Unwrapped program and responded with orders, questions and praises. Thank you, we know you will find our products great tasting and easy to use with recipes from the new edition of our book: Cooking with Crazy Charley III.
Charley's recipes are over 150 years old. Charley stole them from his grandmother who got them from hers, etc. Try some today!!!!!!The Barbecue Sauce, the original "Cajun Sauce" - a taste recognized internationally as a great barbecue flavor - comes in mild, hot and extra hot.
The Jalapeno Heaven was formulated by Charley based on customers description of the kind of pepper sauce they wanted. It is medium hot.
Our Piquante Salsa and Gumbo sauces are available in mild and hot. These are both recipes taught to Charley by his grandmother when he was still a child.
Charley's Marinade is an old recipe in a soy base, and is mild.
"I have been cooking these sauces since I was a kid. I have loved to cook since I was 9 when my grandmother taught me to fry Johnny Cakes.""I love to cook because I love to eat and I want my food seasoned JUST RIGHT!"
"I always stalked the cooks when I am near someone cooking because I have a passion for eating. When I was a teenager I worked as an egg candler and delivered fresh eggs to many famous restaurants in New Orleans. OOOOweee! Could those cooks make those kitchens smell good!"
"I have been an unabashed promoter of Cajun culture, history and Cajun cuisine for over forty years. As a self appointed ambassador for the Cajun People, I have a deep and abiding interest in everything Cajun, in particular, the cuisine. Cajun food is becoming popular all over the world."
CRAZY CHARLEY™ brand sauces will help you prepare Cajun meals that are easy, quick, delicious and authentic.

Click Here to order online or call us at 530-559-9920
Red Beans & Ricely Yours
Definitely Habit Forming